Monday, October 29, 2007

No School Monday....WHY??!!

Why? Well, because it is teacher inservice day. I guess that's okay. It's the first one since school started. They also have 5 days off at Thanksgiving. In fact, there are only 17 school days in Nov. We shall see how having 5 school days plus 2 weekend days works at Thanksgiving time. Will they drive me crazy? Most likely! Because there is no school today, the kids are out in the sandbox for the most part. They did make bread this morning. Hee Hee! They actually both wanted to do it, so I said (in a very shaky voice) "Do you want to make bread today?" The answer of course was, "Can I do it by myself?" Choke, swallow, cough. "Well, I will help you, because the mixer is dangerous and we want to be able to eat it." Mystery Girl did a good job sort of of kneading and Calico Kid needs to get physical about it! I told him to "beat it up!" Maybe I should have said to pretend it is your sister! JK! Anyway, I made them be a part of the whole process, from mixing, to kneading, to checking it as it rises, to rolling it out and rolling it into a "snake" to putting it in the pan and watching me put it into the oven. Now we just hope it turns out and that it is edible. I'm sure it will be. I raised pretty well, so that's the first sign! We had church last night. A kind of celebration of the past and a salute to the future. It was very good. We sang hymns, songs from the 70's, 80's, 90's, and the new century. Very enjoyable.


Amy said...

We have fall break on from Oct. 29 thru Nov. 2, then P/T conferences on Nov. 9, then Thanksgiving break on Nov. 22-24. We probably still have more days than you, but November's light month for us, too!

Sheila_T said...

MMMmmmmm. Making bread by ourselves brings back fond memories of all 4 of us girls making lemon mereign pie. Perhaps someday I'll post the story on my blog, but the short of the story is that after we made an awful mess, melted some plastic, and made mom angerer than a hive of bees (she wasn't home when we did this, IT actually turned out great. lol