Saturday, November 17, 2007

So, What's Santa bringing to your house?

Well, I can't tell you what Santa is bringing to your house. You see, I'm making stuff and I can't tell you what it is! I can tell you it involves sewing in one form or another. It involves lots of time and lots of materials! ;-) It took her forever to think of something and now she has to somehow create this something! If Santa doesn't send you anything, it's not because She doesn't like you, it's because her idea didn't work or it's too ugly! We'll see. Now, to get them done between now and Christmas is the challenge. Don't worry, she's already planned next year's gifts, she just doesn't have time this year to do them. But, before Christmas is Thanksgiving and there is a lot of work left to do this week before the in-laws come. They are really, pretty special. Why? Because they accept me just as I am (I think) and they are willing to put up with me and the kids for a few years (days).

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