Friday, October 24, 2008

Life in the Fast Lane

It seems we have been living life in the fast lane lately. Not that we are very busy, but busier than usual. I've been to the Dr. to see about my knees. As you may recall, I fell out of a tree and through a folding chair about 2 years ago. That messed up my left leg and knee. Then a couple of months ago, I fell down the stairs and messed up the right knee. Well, it was bad enough to go to the Dr. so I finally went. They did xrays so I'm waiting on those results before going back in for that. BUT, before I left the office, I had SIX more appointment scheduled.

I am beginning to realize more and more that I need to take care of myself. I am a fairly healthy person, but after going to the Dr. I left feeling like a very sick person!

Evidently, I need to make a Women's Clinic appointment, have blood drawn, see a dietician(I'm grossly overweight, I guess!), get on happy pills and who knows what else? All my appointments are between now and the middle of December! Add to that the appointments for the kids, homeschool, canning, and attempted housecleaning and cooking, and well, you have the picture. I know, I know, that's nothing compared with YOUR lives, but it's a lot here!

By the way, I just received my copy of the magazine my story was written in. It is hard for me to believe that they are publishing my stuff! After I've read it over a hundred times, it doesn't look as good as I thought it was. It must be because I've read it so many times! Or they are deperate for an article! Hmmm...... well, I guess it's good practice and I need to continue to write anyway. And of course being published is a thrill! It's a good feeling to know that I have acheived that level. In reality, most of my writing is personal. It's about my family or friends or things that I'm discovering about myself. Often times, the stories are inspired by something I learned in church or bible study or a timely, wise word. In some ways, it requires courage to share what is going on in my mind and heart life. Many times as I write, the tears flow as the message is communicated to paper. The written words somehow release thoughts or insights and go a long way towards healing to myself. I always pray that the stories will help others to know Jesus more and that they can see Him through me. My mistakes and mess-ups are what make me human and vulnerable, but His forgiveness and awesome love and care for me, make me His child. I write a lot from my pain or disillusionments that are on their way to being recognized and healed. It's awesome. In a way it is a journey of self-discovery which leads to God-discovery, since He is the only cure for pain and broken hearts and minds.


Rod Speed said...

Enjoyed your blog. Very informative. Do as the doctor says.

Sheila_T said...

Dear Country Rana,
I love your blog and I'm inspired by you all the time. Your a great writer and I know God has a wonderful plan for you with that. I also know that many people will be blessed because of the talent God has given to you.